Help & Information

Family members in a counseling session

Explaining Your Mental Health to Your Family

Your mental health can affect — and be affected by — your loved ones. Here's how to discuss it with them so everyone can heal.

Auguste Rodin, The Thinker

Sobriety vs. Recovery: What's the Difference?

Are the concepts themselves up for debate? Do they require certain treatments, or abstinence from everything? It's complicated!

Woman consoling another woman

How Can We Deal With Overdoses?

Preparedness, education and compassion: One addiction expert shares her insights into saving lives and grappling with trauma.

Sign reading, Caution: Speed Bumps Ahead

What Is a Trigger?

Understand what pushes your buttons in addiction recovery, and you'll learn to save yourself a lot of stress and trouble.

The Basics

Auguste Rodin, The Thinker

Sobriety vs. Recovery: What's the Difference?

Are the concepts themselves up for debate? Do they require certain treatments, or abstinence from everything? It's complicated! And new ways of thinking are changing the conversation.

People hugging

What Happens After an Intervention?

Your loved one agreed to get treatment for addiction during their intervention — or not. Here's what you need to know about what comes next.

People in a recovery community support group meeting

We're in This Together: Building a Healthy Sober Support Network

You are the captain of your recovery, but you don't have to do it alone. A sober support network will lift you up in tough times and celebrate your triumphs.

Woman and man clasping fists

A 'Recovery Coach' Can Be a Game Changer. Here's How

There are coaches for football, singing and life. Why not recovery? A coach can be the X factor that helps you become an all-star of sobriety.

All About Recovery

Airplane flying through pink clouds

Does the 'Pink Cloud' of New Sobriety Help or Hurt? It's Complicated

The euphoria of early recovery may be fleeting, but long-lasting balance is the goal. Here's how to keep your head up through the process and handle reality with confidence.

Men hugging at a 12-step recovery meeting

Sober Holiday Tips: Meeting 'Share-a-Thons'

Need to get out of the house for a bit and see some friendly sober faces? Recovery support group meeting marathons run 24/7 from Christmas Eve through New Year's Day.

Woman with bag looking at a smartphone

Real-Life Recovery Tips: Phone a Friend

When you're traveling, you can take your sober support network with you — right in your pocket. Rocker Kasim Sulton shares his top recovery tip in this video.

Lettered blocks reading, Less Mess

Easy Does It: Tips To Keep It Simple in Early Recovery

It's harder to make recovery work if you overwork yourself. Here's how to keep your focus on what matters now.

For Family & Friends

Family members in a counseling session

Help Them Help You: Explaining Your Mental Health to Your Family

Your mental health can affect — and be affected by — your loved ones. Here's how to discuss it with them so everyone can heal.

Woman consoling a woman

When and How To Hold an Intervention

Understand the process, make your loved one feel cherished and supported, and you can all begin to heal.

Two people holding hands

Substance Use and Suicide: Finding Help and Hope

It's not talked about enough: Drugs and alcohol play a major role in suicides. But there are many paths out of despair. A top psychologist shares some important guidance.

Two brown horses

Supporting Your Partner or Spouse in Recovery

And vice versa. Communication, honesty, encouragement — and maybe some therapy — will help both of you repair the damage of addiction.

Mental Health

Family members in a counseling session

Help Them Help You: Explaining Your Mental Health to Your Family

Your mental health can affect — and be affected by — your loved ones. Here's how to discuss it with them so everyone can heal.

Hand dipping paintbrush into palette

The Power of Creativity on Mental Health — For Veterans and Everyone Else

Art therapy and creative expression are formidable tools for addressing addiction issues and mental health disorders. They're also fun!

Person walking on path into mountains

Navigating Mental Health Issues in Recovery: Part of Journey

Dealing with co-occurring disorders like depression or PTSD in recovery takes courage. Our message for Mental Health Awareness Month? There's every reason to have hope.

Happy woman with child on her back

Bipolar Disorder and Addiction: Recovery Is Possible

Substance use disorders frequently co-occur with this mood disorder, which impacts around 7 million American adults. But have hope: Today, both are more treatable than ever.

For Young People

Two women hailing a cab in a city

Dry January (and Beyond): The Possibilities Are Endless

There's never been a better time to go sober. Whether you're trying it out this month or already living the life, join us for some tips, ideas, inspiration — and maybe even new friends.

Two women talking in a garden

Your Guide To Hanging Out and Making Friends in College — Sober

Doing college sans drugs and alcohol doesn't have to be a struggle. Some tips on making bonds that'll last and having a blast.

Smiling sober female college student holding books

10 Top Colleges for Recovery — And Sober Adventure

Recovery residences, specialized counselors, sub-free tailgates and … sober study abroad?! The sober college experience today is better than ever. These universities are showing the way.

Young Black man thinking

More People Are Getting Sober Young. Here's Why That's Smart

Why wait to launch a life of satisfaction, success and well-being? Some tips on getting sober and getting started.

Trending News

NFL players celebrate after a touchdown

Now Elite NFL Players, They First Tackled Addiction | News Roundup

All Sober compiles the best of the latest headlines. Here's your addiction and recovery news for the week of Feb. 19, 2024!

The White House

'20 Million Stories of Courage': White House Summit on Recovery

Speakers laid out plans and challenges for battling the opioid epidemic, supporting young people in recovery, implementing recovery-friendly workplaces and much more.

Broken Champagne glass on wooden table

The Health Myth of Alcohol in Moderation?

For decades, studies claimed that some alcohol consumption carried health benefits, but a new analysis finds their methodology was often flawed. Other recent research concludes no amount of alcohol is safe.

Four Narcan nasal spray packages

FDA Approves Over-the-Counter Narcan Sales in Major Move To Curb Overdoses

A critical medication for preventing opioid overdose deaths will now be available on store shelves nationwide, no prescription needed.

New Report
