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Collaborate With Us: Share Your Story!

All Sober is a dynamic platform that provides the millions of Americans impacted by addiction with all the connections, information and resources they need for recovery and sober life — all in one place.


Share Your Experiences, Stories and Creativity

Our contributor program calls on the many talented and creative members of the recovery community who want to bring inspiration, awareness, motivation and information to others looking to sustain their journey to sober life.

We are encouraging writers, artists, musicians, poets, fitness enthusiasts, wellness experts, nutritionists, coaches, faith leaders, therapists, professional mentors, recruiters and anyone with an inspirational message to join us as contributors. We’d love for you to share your expertise and life experiences with a community that is in need of daily support and inspiration.

Yoga class overlaid with the words Sober Lifestyle
Guitar player overlaid with the word Inspiration

Educate and Inspire

The All Sober platform gives you the opportunity to reach a vast community of people impacted by alcohol and drug addiction who are seeking education, hope, advice and strength to achieve and celebrate sobriety. We are looking for stories and videos that help them through every stage of the journey.

  • Insight into breaking addiction and recovery news
  • Tips to help families and loved ones
  • Lessons learned from firsthand recovery experiences
  • Sober lifestyle updates
  • Poems and songs of inspiration
  • Fitness and nutrition advice
  • Career best practices to rejoin the workforce or improve job skills

Contributor Guidelines

  • Collaborate with our editors to share your story or expertise in any medium!
  • If submitting something previously published, you must own the content and have permission to use any third-party images
  • You may promote your content on All Sober and any other channels
  • This is a volunteer program; we can’t provide wages, compensation or remuneration for the content that you submit (unless otherwise discussed)
  • Content may be rejected if it does not align with All Sober’s mission and positive language guidelines
Man and woman using a laptop overlaid with the words Help and Information
Two men clasping hands overlaid with the word Relaunch

Join the Movement

We want to hear your voice! Please review the contributor agreement and contact if you have any questions. Every content contributor will have a community page on our site to showcase all of their work.

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