Consequence of Habits

Consequence of Habit is an organization dedicated to empowering individuals and communities by bringing awareness to the impact habits have on our mental health, success and the environment. Habits have the power to influence our mental health, our happiness, and the world we live in. They act as our core operating system, setting us up for success, or sabotaging us from fulfilling our potential. For some, their consequences are life and death.

Who We Are

We are a leading non-profit that focuses on habits. Providing cutting-edge education, connections, inspiration and purpose. Powerful storytelling that can serve as a starting point for beginning new positive habits; or coping mechanisms to help start the journey to eradicate poor habits. Purpose driven events which deliver experiential service work combined with inspirational educational aspects of recovery and positive habit forming.


A complete body scan meditation that starts with cleansing breath exercise, and moves through all parts of the body. Using the breath to expand, and relax into newfound space while observing the body non-judgmentally. A good mediation for beginners or experienced meditators alike.


Guiding Principles Survey

As 2023 comes to an end, now is the perfect time to lay the foundation for the upcoming year. To do that, you need to know and understand your guiding principles. Guiding principles serve as a moral and ethical compass, providing all of us with a set of values and beliefs that guide our behavior and decision-making. What principles are, or will be, your north star and help you navigate the upcoming year? 

New Report
