Mercy Street

We believe a different kind of community forms when we set aside what can easily separate us, things like being Republican, Democrat, a Texan or die-hard Cowboy fan, two days sober or never touched a drink, documented or undocumented, introverted or never met a stranger, worn out or energized. We are a part of the United Methodist tradition which means we believe the grace of God is available to all, offers forgiveness and calls us to a life of justice and mercy.

Who We Are

Saturday night at Mercy Street is filled with live music, authentic stories and practical messages set in a casual come as you are environment. We extend a gift of Christian community to everyone, no matter what faith, religion, addiction, or experience. 

Everyone from all walks of life is welcome here, regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey, regardless of what you believe. When you come on Saturday nights, you’ll see business executives and folk between jobs, a young professional and a young adult in treatment. We’re cool if you’ve been in the back of a cop car or you drive a cop car. Whether you’re part of a family, struggling to raise teenagers or just out of a tough relationship—we’ve got a seat for you.


Welcome to Mercy Street!


New Report
