Shelby John Coaching

As a woman in long term recovery I am deeply passionate about the recovery community. I am a clinical social worker with decades of experience treating people to help them heal their past trauma and build emotional maturity. Through this work I have seen first hand the pain the people suffer from. The stigma, judgment and rejection some endure throughout life in different situations due to their addiction and recovery. My mission is that every woman knows that there is a safe place for her to share her experiences and receive the care and healing she needs and deserves. Everything we can do to reduce the stigma around addiction, are things that save lives.

Who We Are


Shelby is a licensed clinical social worker with a private practice where she specializes in trauma, addiction, and anxiety. With years of experience in the field, she founded Shelby John Coaching and is the happy host of the Confident Sober Women podcast. After getting sober she became a fresh, authentic voice in the sobriety space, showing women how to build confidence and love their lives beyond recovery. Shelby is the mother to three, the wife to one loving man, and has been sober since July 1, 2002.



Recovering In Recovery

Women can expect to find my personal stories of life in recovery with vulnerable and honest shares. Also practical skills and useful information for how to build confidence and emotional sobriety in recovery.




My programs provide you with the The tools to move your life from good to great beyond recovery have been hiding in plain site.

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