The Hyer Calling Foundation, Inc.

The Hyer Calling Foundation, Inc. cares about giving people in recovery a second chance at a career. We care because we know that good, decent people can have a Substance Use Disorder. We know that these same people never chose the trauma and pain which they self-medicated with drugs & alcohol. We also know that when these same people enter recovery, they possess extraordinary gifts and talents only possible from having found recovery. These gifts and talents, whether it is a profound appreciation for having had a second chance or any of the many others that exist, help the recovery community to help the organizations we work for be stronger and more effective. Recovery is, indeed, a beautiful thing. The Foundation was formed by labor & employment attorney Kevin Hyer and his family after Kevin found recovery from crystal meth addiction at mid-life.

Who We Are

The Hyer Calling Foundation, Inc. is a Philadelphia-based tax exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to reduce the stigma of Substance Use Disorder in the workplace to give men and women in recovery a second chance at a career. The Foundation achieves these objectives in three distinct ways:

  1. Breaking the stereotypes of addiction which reinforce the stigma that perpetuates it;
  2. Providing collateral wrap around services, or post rehab support services that insurance does not traditionally cover, to help Foundation clients secure and maintain long term employment;
  3. Selling fee for service management training to organizations on culturally competent ways to attract, engage and develop employees in recovery and on the many benefits of hiring them

All of our collateral wrap around services are NO COST, individualized, confidential and of no set duration. When our team first meets with a prospective client, we begin by asking questions like, What do we need to do to give YOU a second chance at a career? What would that second chance look like for YOU? Who do we need to bring into YOUR life and at what time to maximize the likelihood of YOU finding long term sobriety by getting a second chance at a career?

Our services include:

  • Direct job placement assistance in the Mid-Atlantic region
  • Career counseling
  • Life & career coaching through International Coaching Federation credentialed coaches
  • Interview preparation
  • Reference advocacy
  • Grants to acquire additional skills
  • Resume review
  • Assistance purchasing or acquiring professional attire
  • Assistance rebuilding professional networks
  • Internships and Externships (internally and externally)
  • Mentoring programs which match individuals in recovery with senior colleagues in recovery or sensitive to recovery
  • Assistance locating housing in cases of poor credit or prior justice involvement
  • Payment of fines from justice involvement in instances where good cause is shown
  • Legal services provided by outside attorneys, such as paying to have a driver’s license reinstated or expunging an old prostitution conviction in jurisdictions where that is possible
  • Repairing dental damage brought about substance abuse
  • Other goods & services on a case-by-case basis which can be shown to reasonably help a client get a fresh start and find a second chance at a career


Hyer Calling Foundation


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