Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Buddhist monk climbing stairs toward statue of the Buddha

Learning To Live Sober ‘One Day at a Time’

It sounds like a paradox: How will you reach long-term sobriety if you're focused "only" on today? A little perspective from the Buddha will clarify things …

Red button reading, HELP!

Need Help Now? Helpful Hotlines To Keep Handy

Finding help at the right time can make the difference. Here are some addiction and mental health hotlines that can provide help for you or your loved one.

Man on a couch reading sobriety literature

Detaching From Fear

Fear, resentment, negativity: It’s no easy feat to shake them in recovery from addiction. One writer shares some sober wisdom on handling these feelings.

Sliver of light through glass

Through a Glass Darkly: A Journey Through Alcohol Addiction and Recovery

In the three decades during which author Kate Smith struggled with alcohol addiction, she tried just about everything. Now in recovery, she shares her story.

Recovery support group meeting

Frequently Asked Questions About Recovery Support Meetings

What kinds of addiction recovery meetings are out there, and where can I find them? Answers to all your questions about meetings, support groups and how they work.

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