All About Recovery

Two brown bears playing

Peer Support: How To Give as Good as You Get

No one helps you navigate recovery quite like your friends who've been through addiction themselves. Here's how you can pay it forward.

Man kissing woman on forehead near a camper van

That’s the Power of Love: Connections, Community and Recovery

This time of year, we're thinking about how our deepest connections and strongest relationships help us through recovery.

Two friends shaking hands

Who Cares? The Necessity of Accountability in Recovery

It's important to have someone to keep you honest — and sober — but accountability is also about partnership, community and mutual support. Recovery shouldn't be lonely.

Husky dog in snow glaring

Seasonal Affective Disorder in Recovery: How To Overcome SAD, Sober

Winter (or summer) depression is real, and can be a real burden on recovery. Understand what it is and learn some tools for pulling through it.

Raised hand with the word Yes on the palm

Recovery Through F.E.A.R.: Sounds Scary, But Doesn’t Have To Be

If you think recovery seems daunting, you're in the good company of everyone else who's ever tried it. It might help to keep a deceptively simple acronym in mind.

Darts hitting and missing a dartboard

Getting Real About #RecoveryGoals

Optimism and hope are essential, but rushing into a new life — no matter how promising — can set you up for disappointment. Here's how to take it slow and make it last.

Buddhist monk climbing stairs toward statue of the Buddha

Learning To Live Sober ‘One Day at a Time’

It sounds like a paradox: How will you reach long-term sobriety if you're focused "only" on today? A little perspective from the Buddha will clarify things …

Two men floating on rafts in a pool

Self-Care: What Is It and Why Is It Important in Recovery?

Recovery means getting better, but you can't do that if you don't take care of yourself. Here's what to keep in mind.

Trees during winter at sunrise or sunset

The 5 Stages of Change: A Handy Framework for Understanding Recovery

It's a tried and true model for what the transition from addiction to recovery looks like. Get acquainted with each stage to assess where you're at — and what you can achieve.

Dictionary opened to the definition of addiction

Why Language Matters When Talking About Addiction

"My laundry is 'clean' and 'dirty' — not people." In this video, the Addiction Policy Forum lays out how to use language that doesn't stigmatize or discourage those with substance use disorders.

Person holding a neon heart

Are You a ‘Highly Sensitive Person’? Here’s Why It Matters in Recovery

Being perceptive and compassionate is hardly a disorder. But HSPs should be mindful of certain needs and pressures when navigating the road to successful recovery.

Veteran in a therapy session

Somatic Interventions Help Veterans With PTSD. Can They Aid Recovery Too?

Trauma can be devastating and extremely hard to shake. But an unconventional new body-focused therapy technique shows promise. Here's how it works.

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