Co-Occurring Disorders

Hand dipping paintbrush into palette

The Power of Creativity on Mental Health — For Veterans and Everyone Else

Art therapy and creative expression are formidable tools for addressing addiction issues and mental health disorders. They're also fun!

Person walking on path into mountains

Navigating Mental Health Issues in Recovery: Part of Journey

Dealing with co-occurring disorders like depression or PTSD in recovery takes courage. Our message for Mental Health Awareness Month? There's every reason to have hope.

Happy woman with child on her back

Bipolar Disorder and Addiction: Recovery Is Possible

Substance use disorders frequently co-occur with this mood disorder, which impacts around 7 million American adults. But have hope: Today, both are more treatable than ever.

Husky dog in snow glaring

Seasonal Affective Disorder in Recovery: How To Overcome SAD, Sober

Winter (or summer) depression is real, and can be a real burden on recovery. Understand what it is and learn some tools for pulling through it.

Spilled paper coffee cup

Is It Normal To Be This Anxious in Recovery?

Things will feel very raw at first, no doubt, but as you progress, you can learn some simple methods for coping with everyday anxiety or get help if the issue is more severe.

Fist crushing plastic bottle

Why Alcohol and Anxiety Don’t Mix

Anxiety disorders are extremely common, and alcohol can make them worse. All Sober's Dr. Paulo Negro explains how anxiety can lead to alcohol use disorder — and how people can get help.

Friend comforting another sitting by a lake with boats

Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders: Understanding What’s Going On

About half of people who suffer from one type of disorder will experience the other, and vice versa. Learn about co-occurring disorders.

Woman masking her feelings

For Those Who Have Both Mental Health and Alcohol Addiction Issues

It’s not talked about enough: Alcohol addiction and mental health issues present a dual threat, each aggravating the other. But help exists and recovery is possible

Woman dealing with mental health issues

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

The coexistence of mental health and substance use disorders is called co-occurring disorders. What are they?

Therapist writing in notebook

What Is Dual Diagnosis?

When people are dealing with both addiction (substance use disorder) and mental illness, they have a dual diagnosis. 10 things to know.

New Report
