
Red and white balloons in the air

Let’s Celebrate Recovery Month!

Millions of hopeful stories emerge from addiction. We're saluting all the fantastic folks in recovery — and everyone who helped, and helps, them along the way.

Woman on rooftop overlooking cityscape

Shout It From the Rooftops: How To Be Proudly, Openly Sober

Why? Because you've earned it, because it can help you — and because it just might change someone else's life, too.

Two women relaxing on an LGBTQ+ pride flag blanket

What It Means To Be LGBTQ+ in Recovery

Dignity, safety, confidence: People in the LGBTQ+ community want what everyone needs when it comes to addiction recovery and mental health. Stellar supporters are making sure they get it.

Neon sign reading, Do something great

How To Be a Superstar Sober Ally

It is a very fine thing in life to never battle addiction. But it's even finer to stand beside those who have. Here's how to get started.

Man kissing woman on forehead near a camper van

That’s the Power of Love: Connections, Community and Recovery

This time of year, we're thinking about how our deepest connections and strongest relationships help us through recovery.

A sober man and his sponsor

Finding a Sponsor, a Friend Who’s Been There

All support helps, but forming a bond with someone who has lived addiction and recovery brings a rare degree of understanding. Here's how the process works in 12-step programs.

Group of people hugging in the park

What Is Recovery Capital?

Human, physical, social and cultural resources are all crucial to supporting recovery from addiction.

Man thinking about addiction and recovery

Understanding Addiction and Recovery

By understanding basic and complex human needs, we can better understand how addiction affects our brains and lives. And we can better aid recovery, too.

New Report
