Inpatient Treatment

Person in addiction treatment intake with therapist

Quick Facts: What To Expect From Each Level of Addiction Treatment

Understand what's right for you or a loved one! There are a few basic types of care for substance use disorder: outpatient, residential, inpatient and more.

Woman holding another woman's hand

Understanding Treatment Options

Deciding to find treatment is the first step to recovery from addiction — and a happy, healthy future! Read this guide to detox, inpatient and outpatient programs to get started.

Phone with a question mark on the screen

Questions To Ask Before Choosing a Residential Treatment Program

Considering inpatient addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one? Read this primer on what you need to ask — and know — first.

Scrabble letters spelling, DETOX

Detox to Treatment, a Guide

Do I need detox? And how is treatment different? We break down how both can be crucial in recovery from addiction.

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