A Child of Addiction Learns To Thrive

All Sober EVP of Addiction and Recovery Maeve O'Neill reflects on the messages and mentors that helped her understand her childhood and inspired her life's work

February 21, 2023
All Sober Executive Vice President of Addiction and Recovery Maeve O'Neill

hance to work with them many years later literally changed and saved my life in many ways.

I have often referred back to the tools and resources I learned over the years, as the simple messages apply to all of us. I was able to bounce back, and maybe even thrive, in spite or because of my early childhood experiences. I truly believe I was able to do this because the field I chose to work in forced me to have the courage to share. HOPE is when we can trust others, talk to them and share our thoughts and feelings!

I was surrounded by compassion from many I worked with early in my career, including at NACOA under longtime president and CEO Sis Wenger, who loved me and held me accountable like no one had before. Having connections with other helping professionals with similar stories was inspiring. HEALING happens when we can own our stories and truly love and support each other along the way!

Over the years, I have gained much education and training to support these basic messages. Most impactful was being trained in the work of Brené Brown and being certified to share her curriculum with others. Authenticity, vulnerability, values, trust and rising are skills we can learn to be more resilient for ourselves and others. The messages I learned all those years ago are consistent and still provide us with the needed guidance to love and support ourselves and each other:

  • Help: help is available!
  • Hope: hope is possible!
  • Healing: healing happens!

Today, as part of the All Sober team, I get to spread the message to end the stigma around addiction, provide helpful information and support all those impacted. Please join us!

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