Jobs & Career

Woman typing on laptop keyboard

I’m in Recovery and Ready To Work. What Do I Need To Know?

A job can bring serious benefits to your recovery, even beyond the financial ones. But it can also test you. If you understand a few things going in — or going back — you'll be golden.

Depressed man sitting at wooden table

Subs & Drugs & Rock & Roll, Part 3: ‘I’m a Loser (And I’m Not What I Appear To Be)’

Don Fertman reaches bottom as the jelly donut hits the wall. The latest installment of the longtime Subway exec's memoir.

Don Fertman

Subs & Drugs & Rock & Roll, Part 2: A Day in the Life

Don Fertman woke up one morning 40 years ago and poured himself a drink, as usual. But the future Subway exec didn't know this day would be far from ordinary.

Don Fertman

Subs & Drugs & Rock & Roll, Part 1: With a Little Help From My Friends

Don Fertman, longtime Subway exec, writes about a pivotal moment in his 40 years of sobriety: what happened after he went public about his recovery on "Undercover Boss."

Woman and man with coffee standing by the water cooler at work

Is Alcohol Big in Your Work Culture? Here’s How To Sidestep — Or Talk About It

The "Mad Men" era may be over, but some workplaces can still be particularly challenging in recovery. Some pointers on putting your sobriety first.

Men and women in a recovery-friendly workplace

The Benefits of a Recovery-Friendly Workplace

Also called a "recovery-ready workplace," it's a winning proposition for high-quality employers and employees alike.

Two construction workers

What Is a Recovery-Friendly Workplace?

And how can I create one at my company? Here's why and how implementing a work-life recovery program pays off.

A leopard menacing

Facing Down Addiction and Recovery Stigma in Everyday Life

In a perfect world, everyone would admire the feat of recovery — or at least mind their own business. Until then, here are a few tips for dealing with bad attitudes.

Woman concerned at work

Alcohol Addiction at Work: What Employers and Employees Should Know

Alcohol use disorder can cause problems at work — but many also suffer in secret. When workplaces can help employees address it with compassion, everyone benefits.

Theater masks

Does a ‘High-Functioning’ Person Need Help?

The question is precisely why the term "high functioning" is broadly unhelpful. Plenty of "successful" people struggle with addiction and mental health conditions, and they deserve care.

Woman at computer at work

How To Respond When an Employee Shares a Mental Health Challenge

The workplace can be a huge factor in mental health, and recovery is part of that for some. Follow these guidelines from the SHRM to show up for your employees while maintaining healthy boundaries.

Woman comforting a coworker

How To Spot Suicidal Behaviors in the Workplace

Part of creating a "culture of psychological safety" where employees feel fulfilled and supported is paying attention to signs of distress and knowing how to help. The SHRM shares some useful guidelines.

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