Mental Health

Woman comforting a coworker

How To Spot Suicidal Behaviors in the Workplace

Part of creating a "culture of psychological safety" where employees feel fulfilled and supported is paying attention to signs of distress and knowing how to help. The SHRM shares some useful guidelines.

Fist crushing plastic bottle

Why Alcohol and Anxiety Don’t Mix

Anxiety disorders are extremely common, and alcohol can make them worse. All Sober's Dr. Paulo Negro explains how anxiety can lead to alcohol use disorder — and how people can get help.

Judy Grisel at a TEDx Talk on addiction

Never Enough — The Neuroscience of Addiction: TEDx Talk

Dr. Judy Grisel, a neuroscientist, person in recovery and author of the bestseller "Never Enough," explains how addiction can happen when the brain thinks "everything is bacon."

Friend comforting another sitting by a lake with boats

Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders: Understanding What’s Going On

About half of people who suffer from one type of disorder will experience the other, and vice versa. Learn about co-occurring disorders.

Illustration of woman in pain getting an X-ray

Mental Health and Managing Chronic Pain

Long-term pain doesn't just hurt — it can impact mood, sleep and relationships, and be mismanaged with alcohol or opioids. But there are ways to feel better. Learn more from this Psych Hub video.

Therapist talking to male patient

Affordable Therapy for Addiction Recovery: How To Get It

There are now easy-to-find counseling and medication-assisted recovery options if you’re uninsured or tight on cash, says All Sober’s Maeve O’Neill.

Woman masking her feelings

For Those Who Have Both Mental Health and Alcohol Addiction Issues

It’s not talked about enough: Alcohol addiction and mental health issues present a dual threat, each aggravating the other. But help exists and recovery is possible

Man on a couch reading sobriety literature

Detaching From Fear

Fear, resentment, negativity: It’s no easy feat to shake them in recovery from addiction. One writer shares some sober wisdom on handling these feelings.

Woman dealing with mental health issues

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

The coexistence of mental health and substance use disorders is called co-occurring disorders. What are they?

Scrabble letters spelling PRIDE

LGBTQ2SIA+ Addiction and Recovery Challenges, and the Future of Support Services

The group suffers from substance use disorder at two to three times the rate of heterosexual, cisgender populations. But there's hope in the future of support services.

Illustration of a call from you

Listen to Yourself for Signs of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

Your body typically alerts you when something is wrong. Pick up the call, and get started on addiction recovery.

Eight Dimensions of Wellness chart

Creating a Healthier Life: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Work on them all! Create a healthier, happier life in recovery using this guide to the eight dimensions of wellness identified by SAMHSA.

New Report
