Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

Woman celebrating that recovery is possible

Recovery Happens: Spread the Good News!

Media coverage highlights the exploding addiction rates in the U.S., but there's another story too: Recovery seekers are largely successful.

Sad child and two parents at dinner table

Warning Signs That Someone You Love Needs Treatment

Addiction does not form overnight, and loved ones are best positioned to gauge changes in behaviors, physical attributes and attitudes.

Man experiencing withdrawal symptoms

What Is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)?

Understand the symptoms experienced during post-acute withdrawal, part of the process that allows the nervous system and brain to reregulate in recovery from addiction.

Recovery support group meeting

Frequently Asked Questions About Recovery Support Meetings

What kinds of addiction recovery meetings are out there, and where can I find them? Answers to all your questions about meetings, support groups and how they work.

Illustration of addiction and the brain

How To Explain Addiction and the Brain to Kids

This kid-friendly video from the Addiction Policy Forum explains what happens when someone is struggling with substance use disorder.

Text on green background reading, 5 things to know about naloxone

Naloxone Facts: Medication for Suspected Opioid Overdose

This medication can save lives in the emergency treatment of suspected opioid overdose. Learn more about naloxone (aka Narcan).

Older couple walking down a street

Understanding Relapse

Return to use (commonly known as relapse) is often part of the recovery process. Why does it happen, and what can you do? Here's a guide to relapse prevention.

Books on a shelf


Addiction and substance use disorders are heavily stigmatized; the words we use to talk about them matter. Check out this helpful guide from the Recovery Research Institute.

Navigating Addiction and Treatment guide cover

Navigating Addiction and Treatment: A Guide for Families

Addiction is complicated and emotional for the families of those needing treatment and in recovery. This Addiction Policy Forum resource can help you navigate it.

Johann Hari at a TED Talk

Everything You Think You Know About Addiction Is Wrong

What really causes addiction — from cocaine to smartphones? Bestselling author Johann Hari wonders if there might be a better way to tackle it.

Illustration of the demons of addiction hijacking the brain

Addiction: The Hijacker

Watch this animated video explainer on substance use and the brain, the first in the series "Addiction," by the Addiction Policy Forum.

Man thinking about addiction and recovery

Understanding Addiction and Recovery

By understanding basic and complex human needs, we can better understand how addiction affects our brains and lives. And we can better aid recovery, too.

New Report
