Talk Sober

Heather Hagaman, a trauma-informed yoga therapist in recovery

Talk Sober Live: Quick Yoga Techniques for Mastering Tough Moments in Recovery

Heather Hagaman, a trauma-informed yoga therapist in recovery, joined All Sober to teach the PAUSE method for anchoring yourself during an "emotional storm" — anytime, anywhere.

Filmmaker Nick Verbitsky

Talk Sober Live: ‘Opioids, Inc.’ Documentary Filmmaker on Holding Pharma Accountable

Nick Verbitsky joined All Sober's Maeve O'Neill and Geoff Botak for a wide-ranging discussion about the future of addiction and a big hurdle yet to be overcome — stopping the bad actors of the opioid crisis.

Scientist working in a pharmaceutical lab

Watch ‘Opioids, Inc.,’ a Story of Corporate Greed, Fraud and Death by Fentanyl

Documentary producer Nick Verbitsky joined All Sober to discuss his startling account of Insys, a pharma company that bribed doctors to push a fentanyl spray now linked to hundreds of deaths.

Sober musician Mindy Davey in the studio

Talk Sober Live: Recovery Through Music, ‘My Imperfection’s My Most Beautiful Part’

In this new All Sober video spotlight, musicians in recovery Benjamin Lerner and Mindy Davey talk, sing and rap about the sickness, the scars and the future.

Maeve O'Neill, Kathleen Koch, Jeri Beth Cohen and Allison Schild

Talk Sober Live: An Innovative Judge and a Defendant Turned Recovery Specialist

In a new All Sober roundtable discussion, the two joined All Sober EVP Maeve O'Neill and journalist Kathleen Koch for a frank conversation about stigma, sentencing and Suboxone.

New Report
