Sobriety Is NOT Boring!

It's a stale myth that you can't have fun while in recovery from drugs and alcohol

January 9, 2022

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Man and woman traveling sober in Marrakech, Morocco

The Definitive Guide to Sober Travel

Vacations shouldn't be nerve-racking, but in recovery, it's not always that simple. We asked three sober travel pros how to make your trips fun — and more fulfilling than ever.

Sober couple riding a motorcycle on the beach

Sure-Bet Sober Date Ideas

Ready to get back out there? Sober dating isn't so hard. But here are a few pointers anyway, to help you find your groove.

Man playing bass at a concert

Sobriety Roundtable: What's Your Favorite Sober Activity?

From roller derby to CrossFit and dog fostering to splurging on Mexican, nine sober folks shared what they do for fun and fulfillment. Get some ideas for your own Dry January or longer-term sobriety!

Annie Zimmerman's soberversary cake

The Joy of Baking (Sober)

Two months sober, Annie Zimmerman decided to make cookies. Now, her hobby turned passion yields fulfillment, connection and delicious soberversary cakes. Read the interview!

NFL players celebrate after a touchdown

Now Elite NFL Players, They First Tackled Addiction | News Roundup

All Sober compiles the best of the latest headlines. Here's your addiction and recovery news for the week of Feb. 19, 2024!

All Sober in Chicago

All Sober in Chicago

A great town for recovery, come sun, rain or snow! Check out our video guide to the Windy City's best sober options for bars, bottle shops — and even an arcade with vintage games.

All Sober in New York, at Hekate Cafe

All Sober in New York

The Big Apple truly has it all — including a sober bar with a "witchy vibe" and an array of enchanting non-alc cocktails. Take a peek in our video guide to the sober city!

All Sober in Portland at The Recovery Gym

All Sober in Portland

Oregon's cultural capital may be weird and proud, but it's sober and proud too! We scoped out the coolest sober-friendly spots in our new video guide.

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