Healthy Routines

Tetris blocks

What Does a Healthy Sober Routine Look Like?

Dread not routines! They turn newfound sources of strength and joy into regular companions.

Man and woman speeding in an antique car

Romance in Recovery: Dating Do’s and Don’ts

Yes, you're allowed to date. Yes, it could get complicated. But connection is a beautiful thing in recovery if you pursue it mindfully — here's how.

Two friends shaking hands

Who Cares? The Necessity of Accountability in Recovery

It's important to have someone to keep you honest — and sober — but accountability is also about partnership, community and mutual support. Recovery shouldn't be lonely.

Man sitting in a cave overlooking a valley

What’s a Wellness Program, and How Can It Charge Up My Sobriety?

You don't have to be a zen master to handle life sober. But if you tune up a routine of health and harmony that works for you, you just might become one.

Buddhist monk climbing stairs toward statue of the Buddha

Learning To Live Sober ‘One Day at a Time’

It sounds like a paradox: How will you reach long-term sobriety if you're focused "only" on today? A little perspective from the Buddha will clarify things …

Man basting chops on a grill over a flame

Sweet, Sour, Savory, Sober: How To Eat Right and Feel Good

Cutting out alcohol gives you an edge in getting fit and looking fine. Follow a few tips on nutrition to make the most of it.

New Year's Eve fireworks

Is 2023 the Year ‘Sober Curious’ Goes Mainstream?

As even the notorious CNN New Year's Eve hosts plan to tone it down, here's a look at why more people are choosing to cut back or cut out alcohol use.

Vanna White at the Wheel of Fortune board

The Old Way Didn’t Work: Solving Problems in Recovery

Open communication and taking ownership aren't easy, but get to know them, and you can do some real repair work. Here's how.

Computer screen with Post-It notes

Hey Now, You’re an All-Star: A Guide to Affirmations and Mantras

If you're in recovery, you have courage, willpower, discipline and more. Positive self-affirmations help you remember this and motivate you to stay on track. Here's how to practice them.

Two men floating on rafts in a pool

Self-Care: What Is It and Why Is It Important in Recovery?

Recovery means getting better, but you can't do that if you don't take care of yourself. Here's what to keep in mind.

Trees during winter at sunrise or sunset

The 5 Stages of Change: A Handy Framework for Understanding Recovery

It's a tried and true model for what the transition from addiction to recovery looks like. Get acquainted with each stage to assess where you're at — and what you can achieve.

Family celebrating Thanksgiving, sober

Get Yourself an Attitude of Gratitude. You’ll Appreciate It

Hopelessness is a trap of addiction. Learning and practicing gratitude in recovery is one way out. Here's how.

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